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научно-технических библиотек Томского научного центра СО РАН

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Greiner, Walter.
Classical Electrodynamics / W. Greiner. — Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 1996. — X,555 с.: il. — (Classical Theoretical Physics ). — Index: p. 551-555. — ISBN 0-387-94799-X: 1748.25.
The series of texts on Classical Theoretical Physics is based on the highly successful series of courses given by Walter Greiner at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Intended for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students, the volumes in the series provide not only a complete survey of classical theoretical physics but also an enormous number of worked examples and problem to show students clearly how to apply the abstract principles to realistic problems.
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High Temperature Superconductivity / ed. J. W. Lynn. — Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 1990. — XVII,403 с.: il. — (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics ). — ISBN 0-387-96770-2: 2973.25.
One of the most exciting developments in modern physics has been the discovery of the new class of oxide materials with high superconducting transition temperature. Systems with Tc well above liquid nitrogen temperature are already a reality and higher Tc's are anticipated. Indeed, the idea of a room-temperature superconductor, which just a short time ago was considered science fiction, appears to be a distinctly possible outcome of materials research. To address the need to train students and scientists for research in this exciting field, Jeffrey W. Lynn and colleagues at the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as other superconductivity experts from around the U.S., taught a graduate-level course in the fall of 1987, from which the chapters in this book were drawn. Subjects included are: Survey of superconductivity (J. Lynn).- The theory of type-II superconductivity (D. Belitz).- The Josephson effect (P. Ferrell).- Crystallography (A. Santoro).- Electronic structure (C.P. Wang).- Magnetic properties and interactions (J. Lynn).- Synthesis and diamagnetic properties (R. Shelton).- Electron pairing (P. Allen).- Superconducting devices (F. Bedard).- Superconducting properties (J. Crow, N.-P. Ong).
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Нефтяное хозяйство = Oil Industry: научно-технический и производственный журнал / Нефтяная компания "РОСНЕФТЬ", РОСЭНЕРГО, Рос. межотрасл. науч.-техн. комплекс "НЕФТЕОТДАЧА", ОАО "ЗАРУБЕЖНЕФТЬ", Науч.-техн. о-во нефтяников и газовиков им. И. М. Губкина и др. — 1920-. — М.: Нефтяное хозяйство, 1920-. — Периодичность: 12 в год (ежемесячно). — Схема доступа: http://www.oil-industry.ru/. — ISSN 0028-2448.
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Известия высших учебных заведений [Текст] : научно-технический журнал / Ивановский гос. химико-технол. ун-т. — 1958-. — Иваново: Издание Ивановского гос. химико-техн. ун-та, 1958-. — Периодичность: 6 в год (раз в два месяца). — Схема доступа: http://main.isuct.ru/ru/journal. — ISSN 0579-2991.
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Черешня, Владимир Михайлович.
Исследование фотоэлектрических и оптических свойств галогенидных кристаллов из систем Cd-(As)-Hal: автореферат дис. ... канд. физ.-мат. наук : 01.04.10 / В. М. Черешня ; науч. рук.: А. А. Кикинеши, Д. Г. Семак, офиц. оппоненты: А. Б. Лыскович, Е. И. Герзанич; Ужгородской государственный университет, Киевский государственный университет им. Т. Г. Шевченко, Химический факультет. — Ужгород, 1988. — 16 с. — На правах рукописи.
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